Saturday, 28 April 2012

Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyrre

"Ha! Ha! Sadoranny take this I shall blast you with Biggus Luckius Pantius of Doomius."

So now you have seen the humour of ESWotBWaS (I am not going to write it out each time.)

Please note this game for some reason uses bad and I mean BAD language in the rule book and the game itself has crude humour in it

OK we have the warning out the way, so how is the game itself?
Its a real fun game to play. Each game only takes maybe 30mins to complete and on the way you can be real mean to your fellow players. In fact it's almost a rule. The whole idea is to be the last Wizard standing and the only way to be that is to destroy, mangle, fry etc, your fellow Wizards.

To begin the game you draw a Wizard card, this makes no difference to the game its just there to count down to your DOOM!!!. The names of the Wizards are something like " Fey Tickle Bottom" so you see what you are up against here. Draw 8 spell cards and off you go.
You cast spells made up of 1,2 or 3 cards and this is where a little thought comes in. You need to work out if you will play cards that match or will you play cards of different symbols. You will also collect Treasure, have a bit of dice rolling to do to work out how much damage you do if any or if your spell backfires and damages you.

Even when you die the game isnt over for you, you draw a dead Wizard card that can give a bonus to you in the next round. This part I do like because it gives a slight advantage to those of you who die early on, so you can wreak havok on the winner and have a little gloat.

The Game is suitable for 2 - 5 players and I would recommend it for older players, certainly don't let the rule book fall into younger hands, and this is the only downside for me. There really isnt any need for such language in a card game. i am no prude I support Newcastle United and go to football games. i can swear with the best of them and have, but and it,s a BIG BUTT (sorry couldnt help it) card games are not the place for this, unless its the type of game you pick up in a Adult Fun shop.

So while I do like the game and think its a great deal of FUN, and I do play it again and again the language lets it down for me I would mark it higher but this really, really isn't on. so its a 6/10.

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